티스토리 뷰


누텔라 브라우니 영어 레시피

시카고댁 2018. 12. 13. 12:56

<Nutella Brownie>

* ingredients:
- flour 1/2 cup
- 2 eggs
- unsalted butter 1/2 cup melted
- salt 1/4 tsp
- brown sugar 1/2 cup
- vanilla extract 1 tsp
- Nutella 2/3 cup
- (optional: peanuts, pecan or any nuts)

1. Melt butter with a cover in a microwave for 1 minute and cool it down.
2. Mix eggs with butter.
3. Add flour, salt, sugar, vanilla extract and Nutella.
4. Bake for 35 min at 350 degrees.

* allergy info: contains nut and egg

(Picture: google)​

05-12 05:18
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